BDEC “Pathways to Convergence” Report available

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

EXDCI collaborates with other international members of the HPC ecosystem. One example is the  BDEC initiative whose outcome is a new international roadmap called “Pathways to Convergence”. The final version of the BDEC “Pathways to Convergence” Report is a result of the report on the BDEC workshops. In this way, EXDCI contributes to  the community in advance of the BDEC BoF at SC17 in order to the community a chance to review and comment on it. The report tackles some challenges and some conclusions and recommendations. 

“EXDCI has played a central role in the elaboration and diffusion of the BDEC international community report. This report (of close to 100 pages) can be viewed as the laying out of a strategic path towards the successful convergence between HPC and Big Data analysis, including Machine Learning and IoT. The content of the report will soon be published in an international journal. In followup EU projects we will work on implementing the recommendations of this important report”, says Mark Asch, principal editor of this report and EXDCI WP leader of International Liason. 

Over the past four years the Big Data and Exascale Computing (BDEC) project organized a series of five international workshops that aimed to explore the ways in which the new forms data-centric discovery introduced by this revolution might be integrated with the established, simulation-centric paradigm of the high performance computing (HPC) community. 

Download the BDEC "Pathways to Converge" report