About the EXDCI / EXDCI-2 projects


Through the joint action of PRACE and ETP4HPC, EXDCI-2 mobilises the European HPC stakeholders. The project builds upon the achievements of EXDCI and will continue its participation in the support of the European HPC Ecosystem with two main goals:

  • Development and advocacy of a competitive European HPC Exascale Strategy by supporting the implementation of a common European HPC strategy, open to synergistic areas including High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The expertise of the partners and stakeholders will permit to elaborate a transversal prospective vision.
  • Coordination of the stakeholder community for European HPC at the Exascale through joint community structuring and synchronisation. This entails ensuring EXDCI-2 stakeholder representation in the main development of the European HPC eco-system towards Exascale, such as:
    • The development of relationships with other ecosystems including upstream technologies as photonics and electronics, High Performance Embedded Computing (HiPEAC) and Big Data (BDVA)
    • In the context of the upcoming European Data Infrastructure (EDI) a road mapping activity toward future converged HPC, HPDA and AI needs and new services from PRACE users communities and CoE
    • The continuation of BDEC activities, for international participation of European stakeholders on the integration from edge computing to HPC, including Data Analytics and AI
    • The mapping and analysis of related national and international R&I research agendas

EXDCI-2 gives particular attention to creating synergies with the CoEs – for example with FocusCoE – and to building on the outcomes of FET HPC projects.

EXDCI achievements and legacy

Following the vision of the European Commission in HPC, the ecosystem is based on three pillars: HPC Technology Provision, HPC Infrastructure and HPC Application Resources.

EXDCI aimed to support the road-mapping, strategy-making and performance-monitoring activities of the eco-system, including building and maintaining relations with other international HPC activities and regions, or other communities (Big Data, IoT).

The EXDCI coordination has contributed to a much-increased momentum of HPC related activities and to the strategic goal of coordinating complementary stakeholder groups. The most significant achievements of the EXDCI project include:

  • Expanding the European HPC worldwide
  • Significantly developing relations between HPC stakeholders
  • Widely associating stakeholders in joint road-mapping exercises
  • Taking a leading role in the BDEC forum concerning HPC and Big Data convergence

As shown in the table below, the project summarizes its major achievements in three main pillars:

EXDCI paves the way towards a common European HPC strategy

Project acronym:

European Extreme Data & Computing Initiative (EXDCI)




Strategic instruments


European HPC development

Start date: 01/09/2015
End date: 28/02/2018
Total budget: €2.5 milion


Project partners:


EXDCI aims to support the road-mapping, strategy-making and performance-monitoring activities of the ecosystem.

Annual European HPC Summit Week Conference



Worldwide Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing conferences



HPC Extreme-scale Demonstrators: Prototypes of future HPC systems

PRACE Scientific Case: Roadmap for key scientific application challenges



Strategic Research Agenda: HPC technological European research roadmap



Pathways to Convergence: Extreme Computing and Big Data international roadmap



European HPC Programme impact assessment methodology

2017 Handbook of European HPC Projects



Promoting HPC careers: Job/training opportunities and case studies



Set of recommendations for SMEs and start-ups

The EXDCI project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 671558.

Many actions in EXDCI-2 build on the success of EXDCI, as well as actions that took place under the previous FP7 projects EESI and EESI2.

General Information





Project Name

European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative

European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative - 2




Project Type

CSA – Coordination & support action

CSA – Coordination & support action

Grant Agreement Number



Project Coordinator




30 months

30 months

Number of Partners



Project Cost

€ 2.5m

€ 2.44m

Funding from the EC

€ 2.5m

€ 2.44m

Start Date

1 September 2015

1 March 2018

End Date

28 February 2018

31 August 2020