SC19: Representation of FET HPC projects

Friday, December 20, 2019

Again this year, the EXDCI-2 project shared a booth with PRACE during the SC19 conference.

Continuing its coordination effort of the European HPC community, EXDCI offered representation opportunities to FET HPC projects, by inviting them to promote materials on the booth, as well as to give an overview of their outcomes in the framework of mini-presentation sessions organized by PRACE and introduced by Serge Bogaerts, PRACE managing director and EXDCI-2 coordinator.


The MAESTRO, exa2pro and Sage2 projects were able to display and discuss their results with stakeholders on the booth. Projects such as Eurolab4HPC, VESTEC and EPEEC joined the mini-presentation initiative as well.

Whether you missed those talks or are interested in going through it again, an overview including the slides is available here: